Public Member Functions
tops::PrefixSumArray Class Reference

This class provides an interface for working with the prefix sum arrays. More...

#include <PrefixSumArray.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for tops::PrefixSumArray:
tops::FactorableModelPrefixSumArray tops::NullPrefixSumArray

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void initialize (const Sequence &s)=0
 Initialize the prefix sum array.
virtual void initialize (const Sequence &s, int phase)
 Initialize the prefix sum array.
virtual double compute (int begin, int end) const =0
 compute the prefix sum array
virtual double compute (int begin, int end, int start_phase) const
 compute the prefix sum array

Detailed Description

This class provides an interface for working with the prefix sum arrays.

Definition at line 36 of file PrefixSumArray.hpp.

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