Public Member Functions
tops::ProbabilisticModel Class Reference

This is an abstract class representing a generative probabilistic model. More...

#include <ProbabilisticModel.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for tops::ProbabilisticModel:
tops::DecodableModel tops::FactorableModel tops::InhomogeneousFactorableModel tops::MaximumDependenceDecomposition tops::MultipleSequentialModel tops::PairDecodableModel tops::ProbabilisticModelDecorator tops::SimilarityBasedSequenceWeighting tops::TargetModel tops::UniformGCModel

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual double evaluate (const Sequence &s, unsigned int begin, unsigned int end) const
 Calculates the sequence likelihood given this model.
virtual double evaluatePosition (const Sequence &s, unsigned int i) const
 Calculates the probability of Pr(Si = s[i] | s[i-1],...,s[0])
virtual double evaluatePosition (const Sequence &s, int i, int t) const
 Calculates the probability of Pr_t(Si = s[i] | s[i-1],...,s[0])
virtual double choose () const
 Choose a symbol.
virtual AlphabetPtr alphabet () const
 Returns the alphabet.
virtual void setAlphabet (AlphabetPtr alphabet)
 Setter for the Alphabet.
virtual std::string str () const
 returns the string representation of the model
virtual std::string model_name () const
 returns the model name
virtual int size () const
 Returns the number of parameters of the model.
virtual double log_probability_of (int s) const
 Returns the log_probability_of the number s.
virtual double probability_of (int s, double new_value)
 Set the probability value of the number s.
virtual void trainBaumWelch (SequenceList &training_set, int maxiterations, double diff)
 Train baum Welch.

Detailed Description

This is an abstract class representing a generative probabilistic model.

Definition at line 52 of file ProbabilisticModel.hpp.

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